Welcome to Riverside Adventist Church.
Worship With Us: Saturdays at 11:15 AM


Regular services on Saturday at 11:15 AM, with study and children’s programs from 10:00 - 11:00 AM. Worship with us in-person, or stream the service live.


Conference News

Read stories, from all around Oregon
and SW Washington in the weekly
conference email newsletter

Read Here →

Online Giving

Want to support your church by giving online? Visit this site and give back to God on any day of the week.

Give Online →

Our School

Riverside Christian School is a great place for kids to learn, grow and have fun. Visit the school website for info. 

Website →     

Ever wonder what Seventh-day Adventists Believe? Check out Adventist Beliefs 101.

Harvey and Kathy Corwin would like to invite you to the re-opening of the their website: https://lovetakestime.com

This FREE relationship strengthening site is for viewing and downloading the Love Takes Time/Marriage Matter Series 1 & 2 television and radio programs. There is no cost and it can be sent from the website to family and friends.